Thursday, February 25, 2010

Recipe Ruby seeks help

Recipe Ruby writes......
I'm finding myself in dire straits and need advice. Due to the current economy, an unbearable bitchy boss and the age factor I have recently found myself enjoying a new-found state of retirement. Unfortunately, I am now facing a dilemma commonly referred to as downsizing. Since space may soon be a factor all eyes seem to be focused on my small cookbook collection. I only have slightly over 1,000 books some dating back to the turn of the previous century. It's positively a priceless collection and I have treasured it for years. The subject of an RV is in the air, maybe even a townhouse...OMG, what am I to do?

Dear Ruby,
Part with your cookbooks? Are you missing ingredients here?! Read the recipe on the wall, keep those books, every single one. Simply dump hubby's tools since he won't be needing them on the road and buy a Bookmobile, install a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen and load up those books.
Bon Voyage
Sister VC

Lost in CyberSpace?

First it was just Tuesday, then I lost Wednesday too! The only way I can account for having lost two whole days is to blame the internet. All I wanted was a cool looking background for this Blog. You know, just a little bit of research, no big deal. Next thing you know, it's Thursday.
Too many choices, too many websites to see, topped off with having to follow installation procedures....what have I gotten myself in to?
I finally decide on a nice design, really pretty, colorful...this was the one. I endured the installation process, hit the save button, I'm almost there, I can feel it, I just know we're home and did not compute! C'mon now, I do not speak computer! Not to mention the fact that I was cross-eyed by the time I went back and forth between the Blog, the instructions, back to the blog, and I'm not even Siamese! Do you have any idea how tricky it is to use this keyboard with two paws?
Anyway, the search has come to an end and at long last I have successfully installed the background you now see. Hope it was worth it.
You know the web really should have warnings pop up whenever one is about to go into a search. Like for instance: Researcher Beware...this could take days out of your life! Or say every 15 minutes: Halt Research...Eat Yourself!
I see we have some e-mail to answer, people with real troubles needing my comments so on to the real task at paw. Remember you can e-mail your concerns to me at:
I'll tell ya how to get over it?!
Blessings to all!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day two of Blog Central?

Since this Blogging jazz is pretty foreign to me I do hope my readers (both of them)will forgive me as I struggle thru the learning process. If I'm doing this correctly, this will land under what I wrote yesterday. And if I'm not doing it correctly...who's gonna care?
Today was a nice rainy day, perhaps dreary to some but get over it! We get way too many darn nice sunny days! Boring!
Speaking of a weather event, let's have a word regarding our dear weather channel announcers. How many viewers out there can't wait to see Jim Cantore and his stories get blown from the Atlantic to the Pacific? Why does he think he needs to stand out in the blowing hurricane conditions to report the weather to us? How soaked does he need to be before he thinks we can tell it really is raining? And pardon my asking, but who invited Al Roker anyway?
Well, for tonight's services we are delighted to have our little "choir" at practice. Prior to having my ear drums blasted to kingdom come I now hide out in the back room while they practice. Curling up in the base drum is not advised. The CasaBlanca Cuisine kitchen has a crockpot full of yummy meatballs with their special secret sauce and potato torte squares.
Blessings to all. Keep those cards and letters coming in...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Sister Very Catty resides in an off-campus type convent that houses a small scale in-house specialty kitchen. The CasaBlanca Cuisine is probably more of an experimental kitchen for therapeutic purposes for the chefs, although all visitors seem to go away quite content with whatever they were offered on a plate.

As this blog travels thru my day to day life not only will I play a good listener to your troubles and offer my thoughts, I shall also share with you some of the fabulous creations that come out of this kitchen. Should anyone out there ever desire to have a recipe I’m sure the chefs will share. You must realize that everything I witness is usually from ground level...unless I catch a break and get away with jumping up on the kitchen stool. The cooks frown on my possible shedding. Imagine that! Doesn't everything taste a little better with cat hair in it?!

Today’s feat consisted of a beautiful 4-tiered chocolate cake made from scratch topped with yummy chocolate frosting made with sour cream. Taken from one of the Bon Appétit magazines it looks divine. Only downside to the recipe was the fact that the round cake pans were to be only 5 inches round rather than the typical 9 inches and I don't eat chocolate unless it's on tuna.

Yet to be attempted this evening is homemade ravioli...well, if homemade counts using won ton skins.
Stuffing with ricotta cheese and spinach. Sounds great and I’m praying for an opportunity to sample that cheese! Dear Lord, please provide a small accidental spill on the floor.